Sunday 4 July 2010

Eishken East

Eishken Estate owner Nick Oppenheim has unveiled plans to build 6 turbines in addition to the recently approved Muaitheabhal windfarm, consisting of 33 turbines. 1% of revenue from this windfarm, entitled Eishken East, will be placed into a community fund by Mr Oppenheim.

Although I do not (yet) know the geographical location of this community windfarm, it would appear to be resulting from the cheese slicer policy adopted by Mr O. Initially, he had wanted to build more than 100 turbines on his estate, but eventually pared it down to 33. Building subsequent, much smaller windfarms (under the banner of community benefit) makes it easier to go through the planning processes. And knowing the preferences of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, this will certainly be rubberstamped.

It is plain to see that we're going to be landed with the mirrors and beads, whilst the natural resources of this island are being laid waste. Although we're having a gale today, there is no guarantee that the windturbines will always be able to operate. Events in the Isle of Eigg, nearly totally relying on renewable energy, this week showed the reliability of wind energy. There was no wind, and there was no rain for weeks either, leaving the Eiggeach to switch on their much maligned diesel generators.

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