Sunday 4 December 2011


HS2 is the postcode for the outlying areas of Lewis, and the announcement that an HS2 tunnel is being considered for construction has been broadly welcomed outside Stornoway. We have seen in recent days that severe weather is common in this part of the world in November and December, and being able to walk, cycle and drive in the dry, out of the reach of the ravages of show, wind and rain is a welcome prospect. As plans currently stand, there will be a tunnel from Brenish to Port of Ness, with branches from Miavaig to Kinlochroag as well as one from Carloway to Achmore, terminating at the harbour in the latter village.

I hope Calumannabel will be able to fill us in on the details for the tunnel, which is hoped could be completed in time for the Dating Extravaganza at the Dell Fank on April 1st.

I am endebted to local Twitter user balfae for localising the Government plans for an HS2 tunnel in England.

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