Thursday 5 February 2009

43 hours late

Returned to Lewis yesterday (Wednesday), delayed by snow, airlines and incompetence. Was supposed to have returned on Monday evening. Had an interesting  crossing on MV Clansman, I think they need to order more crockery to replace that smashed on yesterday's 3 crossings. Mind you, on the MV Isle of Lewis those not suffering from seasickness would have come off with a mighty migraine what with all the banging out that boat does in a heavy swell. I am told that the regular boat will be back in 2 weeks from now.

For now, your intrepid observer has resumed his post.


  1. Well done.......I came back on Monday ahead of Mainland many raucous screaming brats did you have to ignore (if any?).....I have one more journey to make this weekend and as car still not fixed I have to ferry/coach/fly back to Somerset.....
    get the kettle on and chill out

  2. Hope that you're having a looong rest and relaxation today!!! I know what it's like being on a bad boat trip.

  3. No screaming kids this time, RJG. Was on the early ferry, and most people were hunkering down - or getting closely acquainted with the nearest toilet bowl.

  4. Glad you have recovered from your journeys. I never did the old Dover-Ostend trip on the old ferry without a stash of Ryvita (when the going gets rough, Ryvita gets going) or plain, genuine pumpernickel.

  5. There seems to be a coterie of child-haters on Lewis. No wonder continental Europeans look with horror on our anti-child attitudes!

  6. Just want to point out that there are notices on the ferry, requesting parents and responsible adults to stop their children running around the ship for reasons of safety.

  7. a current dad of girl 8 and boy 14, also dad of girl 35 and boy 33, I feel able and qualified to comment on kids behaviour on ferry journeys...........I know its a crap journey and I know all about boredom thresholds BUT there is a point in stating that other travellers are entitled to expect a modicum of decorum. I love kids and everything the bring to one's Life but I do not condone kids out of control (long way from being kid-hater my Island Friend) and many tourists would be very miffed by the unpleasant experience of some recent journeys I can personally confirm. Respectfully, RJG

  8. Arnish...maybe my comment was for FC2.....sorry but miffed...RJG

  9. Oh I'm not disagreeing with you, just having a wee stir:-)I think you've more than done your bit, Mr G. Adults don't do miffed surely?

  10. They do things differently in Norway. Children are allowed to be children and the adults smile benignly, up to a point. When our two were (very) young teenagers we had a trip to Norway. two things stood out with regard to kids. One was the looks of disapproval I caused when remonstrating with number one son who had managed to spill a (very expensive by our terms) coke over the table in a seafront cafe in Bergen. The second was at Flesland, Bergen's airport, a young family travelling on the same flight as ourselves were racketing around the Terminal building mainly by riding up and down in the glass lift. Bear in mind that Orkney kids didn't see many glass lifts 15 years ago. After a reasonable interval they left the lift and came over to Mother. Apparently the lift had told them in perfectly good English that perhaps they had had enough enjoyment for now. I wasn't sure whether they were more impressed by the fact that the lift spoke to them or that it spoke English.
