Tuesday 13 March 2007

Most dangerous job in the country

I'm once again going to blog out of area, but I think the topic is universal around our coasts.

A week or so back, a fisherman was retrieving his creels from the bottom of the sea near the Isle of Eigg (south of Skye), when he had a mishap with the hauler. This is a small winch, used for pulling the creels up. After stopping the hauler for disentangling some rope, loops of rope caught the controls of the machine and it started up unexpectedly. The fisherman's hand was caught in the hauler, and as a result he lost three fingers. These were put on ice whilst he was transferred to hospital in Glasgow. Efforts to sow them back on again were not successful.
The fisherman has returned home, blessing his luck.

The rope could have yanked him overboard, or he could have bled to death. Fishery is the most dangerous job in the country, according to some statistics, and it is a sadly recurring theme to hear of a fisherman lost overboard, never to be found again.

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