Tuesday 9 February 2010

Town Hall refurbishments

A very strange development in the continuing saga of the proposed Town Hall refurbishments. Now the Council's own planning department have spoken out against the proposals, something that I find incredibly strange - and I use the word incredibly deliberately. I am not that familiar with planning procedures, but it would appear that one department within the Comhairle is not talking to another. If such a major project is put forward, you'd imagine that all departments would have talked it through with each other before it was submitted for scrutiny by the public.

Yes, I am in favour of the Town Hall refurbishment scheme. If only because it would have brought the building into line with legal requirements for disabled access, and taken it into more extensive use. I do not fault people for wishing to oppose as I believe they do so for genuine reasons.

But for the Comhairle's own planning department to voice its opposition so late in the day, and in wordings that are quite frankly redolent of the opponents' line of argument reduces the whole planning process to a farce and the Comhairle to the level of a banana republic.

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